Every writing project deserves a crisp, clean look — complementing the text and bringing out the best in the content — beautiful and readable.
Good content can lose its impact if the reader is discouraged by cluttered, inconsistent or boring layout. With keen and careful attention to detail, I will use many aspects of layout and design to enhance your work, including:
- a consistent overall style
- cover or title page design
- layout and quality of images
- table formatting
- pullout quotes
- combination of fonts
- use of white space, margins, line spacing and columns
- use of colour
- alignment
- headers, footers, page numbering
While editing and formatting are skills performed separately, I find that having a working knowledge of the text through editing helps inform and inspire layout and formatting ideas. This is particularly true when working on memoirs.
For more than 20 years, I have worked on the layout and formatting for memoirs, journals and newsletters, theses, annual reports, training manuals, promotion and event material.
Using Microsoft Word or InDesign, I can create a ready-to-print or view publication.